Azure RBAC Built-in Roles

Azure Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) comes with the following built-in roles that can be assigned to users, groups, and services.

NOTE: You cannot modify the definitions of these built-in roles.

Role name Description
API Management Service Contributor Can manage API Management services
Application Insights Component Contributor Can manage Application Insights components
Automation Operator Able to start, stop, suspend, and resume jobs
BizTalk Contributor Can manage BizTalk services
ClearDB MySQL DB Contributor Can manage ClearDB MySQL databases
Contributor Can manage everything except access.
Data Factory Contributor Can create and manage data factories, and child resources within them.
DevTest Labs User Can view everything and connect, start, restart, and shutdown virtual machines
DNS Zone Contributor Can manage DNS zones and records
DocumentDB Account Contributor Can manage DocumentDB accounts
Intelligent Systems Account Contributor Can manage Intelligent Systems accounts
Network Contributor Can manage all network resources
New Relic APM Account Contributor Can manage New Relic Application Performance Management accounts and applications
Owner Can manage everything, including access
Reader Can view everything, but can’t make changes
Redis Cache Contributor Can manage Redis caches
Scheduler Job Collections Contributor Can manage scheduler job collections
Search Service Contributor Can manage search services
Security Manager Can manage security components, security policies, and virtual machines
SQL DB Contributor Can manage SQL databases, but not their security-related policies
SQL Security Manager Can manage the security-related policies of SQL servers and databases
SQL Server Contributor Can manage SQL servers and databases, but not their security-related policies
Classic Storage Account Contributor Can manage classic storage accounts
Storage Account Contributor Can manage storage accounts
User Access Administrator Can manage user access to Azure resources
Classic Virtual Machine Contributor Can manage classic virtual machines, but not the virtual network or storage account to which they are connected
Virtual Machine Contributor Can manage virtual machines, but not the virtual network or storage account to which they are connected
Classic Network Contributor Can manage classic virtual networks and reserved IPs
Web Plan Contributor Can manage web plans
Website Contributor Can manage websites, but not the web plans to which they are connected

For further information, please refer to the Azure documentation.

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